Wednesday, October 21, 2009

i'm hurt..really2...i know i'm sucks and stpid....

agama islam tahun nih baper?
hmmmm x pnh dpt A...
bper kali jer...
cukup2 makan...

ader sorang kawan aku..
she's perfect..
she attends better class thn mine
since form 1 agih...
she's smart and kind a sensitive
she also kind a alim..
she states tht couple(ing) is haram

i just...
i'm not agree with tht...
whatever we do kalau melampau batas akan haram

cnthnyer:maen ps2 hukumnyer harus
kalau sampai memudratkan haram

mcm tu jgk kapel
maksiat hati?

kalau ngorat pown bleyh jd maksiat hati aper lagi kapel kann?
i'm agree with tht and not deniying it
just imagine
if you love smeone
mesti pnah imagine tht one day you'll get her
and you live happily ever after...

i'ts the fact of love
when you love smone
you'll always thinking of her/him
and tht's what we call love

everyone face it
come on lahhh
kalupun kter x kapel
nak igt org yg kter sker...
x kan dikira maksiat hati...

lagipun ader ker wujud maksiat telinger
oh ya...
maybe org yg kapel or like each other x bleyh ckp langsung
sayer bersetuju dgn fakata and hujah yg anda kemukakan
memang dr pegang tgn bley jd cium dr cium bleyh jd pelok and dr plok bleyh jd sesuatu yg lebih berdosa

sekiranya pasangan berkapel dijoinkan sekali datenya dgn muhrim
maka maksiat dpt dikawal
anak haram?
itu perbuatan suka sama suka
oleh sesetengah kapel
cber kalau every date ader muhrim yg mengawasi

mesti dpt dibendung
mengklasifikasikan kapel sebagai satu pkara haram bukanlah satu prkara yg tepat
org yg keras hatinyer mesti akan melenting dan menganggap islam sebagai agama yg sempit...

islam itu indah....
aper prbezaan suka sama suka dgn kapel yg menjaga batas ketika bergaul
x ader rasernyer...
kapel sebelom kahwin adalah tindakan yg dianggap mesti sebelum meneruskan hubungan
dgn serius....
jodoh itu rahsia tuhan
apa kata kita leraikan rahsia trsebuttt

hubungan itu dijalin if there is any declaration from the kapel...
kapel tak semestinya date dan date tak semestinya kapel

kapel bukan kerana nafsu akan ajar kiter erti sayang
maaaf i can't accept tht couple is haram

sorry to say...
i'm just a stupid to talk...
ur oppinion is optional...

Sunday, October 18, 2009


i really confuse in making decision nowadays...
whether i'll coming to school tomorrow or not...
but after thinking and hacking my head..
i make a decision to come..

i'm very scared of thinking what'll happened to me if
i watched to many videos and my head'll spinning..
and then my temperature'll rising...

so pathetic...

some of my fwen love to tease me about my old ex bf
ya!what can i say..
he just one of the history in my life..
he left a print in my heart..
but he nothing now..

now i knew..
a guy like him is one in thousand
kalau aku gelabah..
mesti die ckp...
"aniss...okay relax...ape ko nak...ckp satu-satu"
hm...only he can calm me...
benda da lepasss

but i'm not regret to know him
he is the best bf ever i had
but tuhan da aturkan jodoh....
it's okay...

i'm not good for him
kejam la kan aku..
so better dier dgn other hotties...

i've forgotten what i want to write lahhh

tht's all kowt
lets hunt for a new love?

heart Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, October 17, 2009

open house gig!

I'll attend Nessa's open house

my open house'll be organised this Friday
but i only invited the girls and no boys allowed
it's not about being unfair
but...I'm not used to invite boys to my house
in fact I'm to shy to talk with them
only few boys i can hang out with...
and the rest..I'm kind a awkward to hang out with...!

I've planned to cook spaghetti with chicken cream
and make hot dogs rolls
em...i think i just serve the guest with bottles of carbonate water...
that's all
simple and cheap
I'm short of budget lah da la x de sponsor...=)

the duration...
maybe from 3pm until 5pm
kowt..cause I'm short of time to cook...=)

thanx for reading
I'm satisfied with my writing for now
although nobody can comment my blog..
they still can read it

lalala pretty my lady*singing

Friday, October 16, 2009

i fall in love....

krisis hubungan kawan!

just imagine la kan
if you just be patient with somebody who hurt your feelings,
at last..everybody'll explode

i just ...
but bler marah..
yes i'll say anything !
ya!people under pressure are always like tht
normal lah kan

everybody just hate this situation
when somebody doesn't agree with ur point and insult your decision
of course i hurt
but i just pretend tht im deaf as long as i can be patient

i thaught tht the only people who notice this just me..
but all my friends just realizing this crisis..between us
ye lah bak kater pepatah cubit kaki kiri,kaki kanan terase gakkan

we all ni kan satu family..(3 azam)
so i hope tht all of us can share this bitterness together
sementera kter united under one class...
may be this is the last probs tht we hare together..
discuss together(umpat tdk termasuk dlm pakej)
understand and solve wisely
my mom said maybe we can tell her directly..

but i don't have the heart to do tht
can she accept tht fact
dier da beser idup dgn cara cam2
aku raser at least dier da a little bit change...
maybe habit lamer dtg balik kot

lagipun dia aunder pressure..
but lamer yg mengadu pasal dier..

aku igt masalh da ilang pas pmr
rupenyer realtionship x seaman maner if no understanding being attach...
i still can't see the conclusion
should we tell her?
or just shut off sampai taun depan
or pretending tht we're deaf?

huhu help me!
macamner nak jd acunselor nih
sehari da kner pecat

masalah ni paling berat
biler personality die x open!
kalau die wat salah
and personality die open
maybe die boleyh accept the bitter fact

im not perfect
theres a lot of studts who backbitting me
including my classmates..
i rather diorang umapt bler marah
and tell me bler nak exam
kter minx maap sbb byk umpat awk
then i'll say
kter pon

but if ur attitude is seriously hurting and annoying
pastu selalu wat
memang susah ...


help meah

crying Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, October 15, 2009

hot issue?

boring Pictures, Images and Photos

seriously...!theres nothing hot to do...
after the pmr examination..teachers've arranged all our activities such sports..
and i hate to play all those games with other class..they seems to hate us..(some)
some of them just pay my smile with their annoying face...(just some)..
ya i know tht i'm not in ur level..but i think i gonna kick tht annoying face once again if you daring to look me like tht ...kind a harsh..

but some of the other classes' stud remain friendly...but you know when other's showing their annoyed felling at us..the situation change i'm prentending tht im blind..and i thinking tht they never exist..

but seriously it's hurting me

forget bout them..
who cares?
so what i'm gonna do?
i've thinking of having my own vacation and not going to school next week(for 2 days)
maybe just crushing some cucumber and put the mixture on my face..
listening to g-dragon latest song
is better than meeting some fellows who're hating me and my fwen...


idk if i can write tht much
i taught tht i don't have any idea to write
tht's wrong lah...

i've also decided to buy a radio..
ya...malas plak nak on laptop
nak jgak baring sambil dgr lagu!

thts all for now

thanxx 4 reading!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


happy Pictures, Images and Photos

seriously im v happy!
to meet nickhun , kim hyun jung , taek cyeon!
damned cute man!


what i did to celebrate this day?


1-on internet tgk you tube ngan asmidot!

2-makn maggie...

3-melantak drumstick!

oh man! i lurv this!


but x lame agi mesti dah bored =)



ooh!buku teks!
