Friday, October 16, 2009

krisis hubungan kawan!

just imagine la kan
if you just be patient with somebody who hurt your feelings,
at last..everybody'll explode

i just ...
but bler marah..
yes i'll say anything !
ya!people under pressure are always like tht
normal lah kan

everybody just hate this situation
when somebody doesn't agree with ur point and insult your decision
of course i hurt
but i just pretend tht im deaf as long as i can be patient

i thaught tht the only people who notice this just me..
but all my friends just realizing this crisis..between us
ye lah bak kater pepatah cubit kaki kiri,kaki kanan terase gakkan

we all ni kan satu family..(3 azam)
so i hope tht all of us can share this bitterness together
sementera kter united under one class...
may be this is the last probs tht we hare together..
discuss together(umpat tdk termasuk dlm pakej)
understand and solve wisely
my mom said maybe we can tell her directly..

but i don't have the heart to do tht
can she accept tht fact
dier da beser idup dgn cara cam2
aku raser at least dier da a little bit change...
maybe habit lamer dtg balik kot

lagipun dia aunder pressure..
but lamer yg mengadu pasal dier..

aku igt masalh da ilang pas pmr
rupenyer realtionship x seaman maner if no understanding being attach...
i still can't see the conclusion
should we tell her?
or just shut off sampai taun depan
or pretending tht we're deaf?

huhu help me!
macamner nak jd acunselor nih
sehari da kner pecat

masalah ni paling berat
biler personality die x open!
kalau die wat salah
and personality die open
maybe die boleyh accept the bitter fact

im not perfect
theres a lot of studts who backbitting me
including my classmates..
i rather diorang umapt bler marah
and tell me bler nak exam
kter minx maap sbb byk umpat awk
then i'll say
kter pon

but if ur attitude is seriously hurting and annoying
pastu selalu wat
memang susah ...


help meah

crying Pictures, Images and Photos