Sunday, February 14, 2010

lunar :)

First of all happy chinese new year to all chinese people:) GONG XI FAT CHAI.
just now, after lunch we went to my moyang house at Klang .(she is a very small chinese woman)my grandma went there yesterday to meet her mom*my moyang,and her bro and sis there.when i entered tht house...i saw a guy who looks HOT damned HOT.he's wearing a blue t-shirt .:) :) ;) from the infos tht i get*ceyh he is about 2o years old .oh man he's hot!!!!he is my grandma's what should i call him *wink hahah anis ni gila sket oh.hahah.
so,bila nak balik i asked everyone about tht boy and my sis and cousin said:eyhhh.hahah.dorang ta berkenan la's my taste.seriously,he looks like a korean.he has a very smooth face-white enough to bright my day-tall enough to hang my dreams and sweet enough to melt me.aha!i kept my eyes on him and bila nak balik kena sound.anis kereta tuh asal ta tgk.hihi.tros jadiik serious oh..but this year i don't get ant ang pow!aigoo.ta da rezeki lah.sian:)
ta pa ta pa.g umah khun sawadikaaap oppa:)nak ang pow..hihi berangan.i don't have my pasport yet kikih lopexx oh
gtg want to download 2pm songs :)*ngeee