Friday, July 31, 2009

"aku,dia,apple dan hari raya aidil fitri....?"

read it!

Nia Alia ....
she is a very new graduated girl in engeneering study
she was ecxepted to work as asecretary for several month because the company think to change her in drawing management other company...
so...she have to accept the decision....

her boss...,Encik Rizal!
what a hot temper he has!
he is very strict you know!
if the sceduling process for the next day made by his secretary is not like what he want...,he'll explode!

but a thing tht we cannot deny is...NIA has a cute boss!haha
but he has a fiancee tht really bossy...,melisa marlya!
she loves to critic bout people's things!
annoying rite?

one day Rizal noticed tht his secretary wearing smthg he hate to munch!
a necklace with a cute apple diomond carve!
so he said..."i really hate apples!its hard you know.."
nia was really in astonished and replied "oh ya...boss,the hardness of the apple will teach us how to be patient...."
Rizal felt so ashamed tht he can't look anymore at nia's face..he think nia is really soft and nice...

so..tht evening nia asked her boss..about going back to kampung..her mother kind a sick..pluss the family just loss his father last month,,,amazingly...,her boss wanted to follow her!
rizal:can i send you and try to taste the sweetness of living in kampong?
nia:but..boss er cik rizal! family er..i didn't take my things yet
ya!my bags...
rizal:okay..i can fetch you...
i'll take my things too....

so they went to perak...
after ariving..nia's family was really amazed with rizal's arival
haha.her cousin(who also her housemate in kl...)tease her so much tht day!
haha..she just keep blushing tht day
so..times up!
the next day...
they went back to kl...
in the early morning pluss tht day was the first ramadhan day...
it was a sweet sunday .....

one fine day..
rizal made his mind
he want her mum and nia break their fasting together
but suddenly...
his mother burst into madness
and refuse to meet nia
she think tht nia is just agreedy woman to take rizal's heart
nia just try to be patient and rizal send her home...

so ...rizal's mom thinking about spliting the couple off!
so...she decided to pay zafril (rizal's friend) to pretend tht he and nia are happy couples
so(again)zafril pretended to buy a ring and ask nia to try
he said tht maybe his gf will fit tht ring as same as nia do..
from a corner of the shopping mall,
rizal and his mom watch them...

then...he went to the couple tht his mum made..
and burn into madness
rizal:why you did this to me..nia?
i thaught you just like my late umi!
nut you are out of your mind!

nia:rizal....this is not trying the ring because i ...

rizal:because you gonna marry him!

nia:rizal!wait listen to me

rizal just gone..his mum really proud of tht
perhaps she would have a nice hari raya with rizal and melissa..,rizal's fiancee

coinncidently...tht day would be the last day nia will work in tht section....
and tomorrow is the last day coming before hari raya...!
so she just grab a red baju kurung and a nice tudung instead of selendang..tht smtimes she wear if they are any caremony...
she remebered tht she've promise to wear red baju raya as same as her sweet heart...
she burst into tears and remember all the memories...tht they were having their sahur last week..rizal bought an apple....!she sobs and had an extra weeping with the tissue paper

so...tht nite
nia and her housemate who is also her cousin drove off to perak
one of her cousin..che' mai cheer the event up
she turn up a hari raya song 'balik kampung' from their car...
nia just smile...
but 11 o'clock...
the car broke up...
so...they went to the repairing car shop to fix the old car!
really spoiling hari raya feelings between the cousin!

so...they move on after having sahur in smwhere
after nia's house
the hug each other!
there were missing people!
where is she.?
nia's mak long said tht she is at home!
busy making ketupat!

so..tht nite..
after cleaning nia's house and che' mai and che' mia(two siblings)
tht situated just beside each other house...
they packed up(very funny!with lusuh baju kurung and kain batek)
and went off to mak long's house at the village corner...

they met many othe cousin!
including nia's sist tht love to tease her up..
so tht nite.....
they slept...heavily i said!
but unfortunately...,
nia was crying while holding the red simple patern baju kurung
she was thinking if rizal would wear the red baju mlayu same as her...
or wearing something as same as melissa

so the azan (takbir raya)....cheers everyone
the forgive each other....
suddenly..rizal came there...
he said tht his stepmother was making them to split..
and he was wearing red baju melayu as his promise!(sweet)
he also bring an nia
he know tht nia love them.....
so..tht day rizal purposed her

at last 2009....
rizal and nia got married
this time they bring a gift for nia's grandmother
a babby!

hahah....thts all

-the end-

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i hope books can hug me...!

do u just ever imagine...
what happened if the books tht we really apreciate can hug us eventually...?
and the unliked books will act like smthg horried..?

paper man hugs Pictures, Images and Photos

probably would be like the above(haha i can't stop from being scematic..!=))

maybe the hugs froom the books of eight sub(teras shj)
can strenghten our spirit!
i wish so!

but i'm not a good book owner
i'm so hush!
and kind a rough!

instead of huging all my books probably kick me away!
and i have to buy the new one haha!

tht is it

trash isn't...?

Thursday, July 30, 2009


retro/ Pictures, Images and Photos

does human has their own 'humidity'?


my ans perhaps yes...

do u have lots of unanswerable questions to ask...?

i think many teen face this =}

including myself...

what will i get for my pmr?

which scholl i'll go through?

my job?

my husband?

how many child i'll have?

where do i die?

at what graveyard?

why i died?

can i make my own coffin?

who is my handsomest baby boy?


isn't pethetic to answer above questions...?


perhaps we just decide smthg tht we just ask to having nice result...



but i found the best way to find the answer...

waik in through my life and

pray for it's occur smoothly...


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


i want nobody-nobody but you!
how i can be another ?
i don't want any other?


i don't know if the above phrase is really describing my feelings!

but i know my heart is all alone...

for a while!(maybe)

i miss you Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, July 23, 2009

what am i excited for?

huhu what am i expecting for in my life....?

i'm very curious about why human being hate to live in this world...and suicide =p

i think they're



i read tht some commited suicide coz their favourite star*s died or have been killed


is their star*s....knew them


haha tht wat we call unnecessary sacrifice...


look around you...

what make u happy

smthg tht cheers u

when your heart is screaming paintfully....(haha dumb words)

your parents
loveable pet(s) (i have 8 cats..i'm a proud mom)
ur fwen
ur special one...(haha not me idh la)

you would tht ur life is very precious

haha i'm motivating people without thinking myself plak..=)

haha i'm excited coz several reasons haha

mega sale in malaysia event awaiting me!

ss501(korean band)new songs and concert..=p

my favourite chinse drama romantic princess is awaiting it final eps.(chanel 301 mon-thurs.,2:00pm-3:00pm)

i gonna fight offf

i gonna kick you off

(bersemangat waja..=0)



new high school




haha thts all...


maths excercises!



Saturday, July 18, 2009

"im talking bout heart.."

love pictures Pictures, Images and Photos

i just realize..tht i don't need him
althought no one fit in my heart...
just enough if he is my kim hyun jung my fav. korean singer and actor...
a lot of time i felt it...
yeah really...
don't fix your broken heart coz it harm you...
just like fixing the broken glass...

missing him...?
cinta monyet i say!
a lot !thousand...
what i get?
is he missing me..?
my nerd eyes?
nope..i beat you..


more thn piles...
wasting lol....
better i join any'll worth..

i need it only from my girlfwen!
no boys !

million times..
i pretended to laugh..
at last i cried~
haha dumy2
why ha?
maybe i just love him..
but he's not
so shut up my mouth and think....



i don't need you anymore...

i have my fwen
what!i'm so dumb



he always tell me he don't need me...?


i get it!

kim hyun jung is the answer..

he sings to me this nite

SANGAT MIMPI LAH jawapannnya!



Thursday, July 16, 2009

for sale!

heart for sale Pictures, Images and Photos

i love you...

asal org yg aku ske mesti tinggalkan aku...?
ta layak ke aku ni....
cthnya:datin jamaliah..i like her teaching style
:him-he never know i still love him
*dummy...i still love you la!
:michael jackson..pas die mati br aku ske dia..
the most pathetic man in universe...*sobbing
haha..bdak2 bcinta..mane kekal....
normal la 2....
hypocrite sket...
jgn tunjuk kte sedeyh...macm geum jandi..

thanx for teaching me how to cover our sadness =)

Geum Jandi Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, July 4, 2009

white flag Pictures, Images and Photos

maybe la.. aku nak give up pasal minx mak aku nak gi camp
my family ni outocration sket..all things my dad'll decide
but, td br badmood dgn my mom..
byk keje die srh wat....
malang dol cuti skola ni!
da la camp 2 "best"!

Friday, July 3, 2009

when a girl plays futsal....?

retro fashion Pictures, Images and Photos

haiyooo..boys..can you imagine how girls playing futsal?
haha like a chicken walking and flapping their wings..cause we are not good in balancing our body..=]...(lawak dowl)..and the flying shoes scene can be seen thousand of time...(so pathetics)..
haha ...we just kick the ball anywhere we like..pushing each other to grab the ball..i am very excited to play it..and when we manage to score a goal..the silly scene jumping and screaming loudly has to be watch with funny mood =] Tongue Pictures, Images and Photos


and when the ball was going outside the school all the naughty girls start to climb the the school border between outsiders..haha the practical teacher was very worried about them.and i was lying on the grass and pull up my trouser for a hot...!

at last azam group won 6-5 betting budi =]
but i played 4 budi..(haha thts why kalah =])

p/s:firdaus jom picnic bawah pokok sakura warna "peng"=p

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Get well soon Pictures, Images and Photos
d'zul get well soon..we will be missing you..kt spital x nak ngorat nurse2 kt situ...bdak skola da byk..=]...ala bosan dol x de org nak gosip ngan i..adoyai...~=(