Tuesday, March 2, 2010

farewell part 2 after the mrsm in take:(

IT was a very HOT THURSDAY ...

i kept looking at the sunburn effect on our hands.
our skin definitely damaged harshly by the sun light tht i think should be call sun fire...
dayah's face was so red.
in fact she looked like a girl tht are going to cry
blush blush blush.
i kept wondering her fate.
kept saying this words"dayah if awak dapat sbp kita nangis"
she laughed and asked me to stop making her feel nerveous .
i asked her ic number so tht i can checked the result
but she replied NO.
no more looking other's result like her auntie.
no aniiis.
so as we walked to the library..
dayah agree to check the result with us.
so arip logged in
in a gasp.
she get it!
i wanted to say no.
but i want her to go without letting her to go.
so we studied there.
with teacher ni'ma.
i thaught i was going to cry
but i didn't.
as day passed.
this is her last day.
with piles of text book in her hug
and more in the uitm bag...
she gave tht away after dating with puan aniza. the mist of tears..*ceyh
i cried
the only one to cry
i hugged her twice.
and after said goodbye and pesan2 hihi
she left me.
with enormous footprints in my heart.
oh-kita kena kasik surat offer sbp awak kat teacher!
alamak mana surat ituh?