Saturday, February 13, 2010

nickhun is my valentine?

AHHA!the answer is NO.Because i NEVER celebrate valentine ;p.perhaps he is just my hubby and i can be with him EVERYDAY lol...his news celebrating valentine withfan at thailand has been wrote in the pancaindera this morning.

it's kind a funny:)me and my sis are about to breakfast and we open the news paper page to take a look of intan ladiyana and kamal adli but accidently my sis said.."weyh cam khun oh"and we opened that page and we gasp when we look at khun's news.But the news and the photos are the oldies one.I've known tht news days ago,but it's still KHUN 2PM!!!I think khun shouldn't celebrate his valentine day with fans .He is a human..he must take his own time.maybe going to a date with his REAL GF?this is just a suggestion :) i hope hottest are profesional and understanding.Sometimes hottest are being jerk and over protective!i'm also a hottest but PLEASE understand tht 2PM is a human being which need time wih other girl .not just the fan.they have feelings.hence,kwenchnayo if they admire someone...i'm saying this because i'm kind a jeleous with yuna snsd.i think she's hot and tht make hun choose her as his dream gal(but i still don't like her :p minhamnida)STOP being over react can's the coordinators task to touch ang ang body!!she is an idol and she can do that :).btw narsha is profesional.BUT about he ivy case.HOTTEST can blame her.i think she's....idk.but i don't like tht incident and my friend felt very hottest stop being mad by little things and be a SPORTING hottest :)