Thursday, November 5, 2009

y a b....

Taekyung was lime, Shinwoo was black, Jeremy was yellow and Minam was white.
TK wears lime, because many women like lime color and TK is popular mostly in women.
Jermy wears yellow, because young teens and kids like yellow and Jeremy is popular in those people.
SW wears black, because men like black and SW is popular among men.
and MN is white, because of her pure (this is not exact)
So that's why, near the end, Tae Kyung corners Mi Nam and gets her to clarify her choice. She chose BLACK (and therefore, Shin Woo) because that is the most popular colour for guys, and Mi Nam is pretending to be a guy. But Tae Kyung reminds her that HE is the most popular especially with women, and that Mi Nam herself is a girl. LOL Logically, she should choose him (and his colour) since she is a girl. So CUTE. He just wants her to choose him... but instead she chose white... LOL she chose herself!! ^O^
and the last scene;
Heyi asked which color Minam liked most: yellow, black, or lime, Heyi was asking who Minam liked.
